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Throwback Thursday

A Periodic Tale of Departmental Lore (Part 1)

Written by David Lapakko

If you were an Augsburg student prior to 1988, Lindell Library and Oren Gateway Center didn’t exist–in fact, in their place was the college’s main parking lot. What would become Foss Center was simply a bare plot of land. Occupying the edge of the main parking lot on 22nd and Riverside was a rickety old building that housed North Country Coop, a predecessor to places like Whole Foods and The Wedge. It’s where Auggies and residents of Cedar-Riverside got their bagels and granola.  

Your classes were likely to be in the Science Building or Old Main. You would not be majoring in Communication Studies, but rather, Speech Communication. And you would be in a joint department–the Department of Speech, Communication, and Theatre–with, as often as not, a chair who was a theatre professor. Some theatre professors even taught COM 111 on a fairly regular basis.

In the mid-‘80s, you wouldn’t be taking Intercultural Communication, Introduction to Communication Studies, Research Methods, Nonverbal Communication, or Family Communication because none of these courses existed. And there was no forensics program either.

When Foss was opened in the fall of ’88, it was designed with the idea that all the communication faculty could easily fit into the corridor that houses 178-180 Foss, which has three offices (currently occupied by Professors Groven, Chamberlain, and Lapakko). Who in their right mind could imagine a communication department with more than three full-time faculty? Now, of course, we have six, if you include film and new media studies.  

In short, the ‘80s were in many ways a simpler time, and our footprint on campus was more modest.

Next time:  When the VHS era was in full swing and voicemail arrived!


Professor Ellenwood scores Latimer interview for new film

George Latimer discusses baseball in Ellenwood’s upcoming documentary.

Assistant Professor Wesley Ellenwood, a member of the Film Studies faculty at Augsburg University, is making a full-length documentary about the history of the Minneapolis Millers and the Saint Paul Saints.  One of the people interviewed for this film was former mayor of the City of Saint Paul, George Latimer.  Professor Ellenwood anticipates his documentary will be completed in 2020.


My Favorite Equipment

Written by Wyatt Beckson 

It’s me again, Wyatt Beckson, a graduating senior. I know this pandemic hasn’t been the friendliest to us, especially those of us graduating this year. Nonetheless, we can still reflect on the benefits this department and university has provided us with, including the film program’s equipment – available to all majors/minors in the program.  

For me, the Canon XA40 is about the most practical and versatile camera that I’ve used from the equipment room. This camera is very compact, making it very easy to handle when using handheld shots. Additionally, the touch screen design makes handling and manipulating the in-camera settings very manageable. Another aspect of this camera that I like is the two XLR audio ports, allowing you to utilize any of the XLR cables we have available, enabling you to hook up literally any applicable microphone directly to the camera. If you haven’t tried this tactic yet, using this methodology takes away the extra tedious step of syncing your audio, which could take hours. What’s more, you can do all of these things while shooting in beautiful 4k imagery!

I know you might be intrigued, but are probably wondering about the drawbacks of using this camera. Luckily enough for you, I can honestly only think of just one. This one major drawback isn’t even that big of an inconvenience. The thing to keep in mind when using the XA40 is that the video output for this camera will be a single AVCHD folder. This means that no matter how many clips of video you take, you will always only end up with one file that also has an undefined file size. Having that said, always be mindful to upload your files to a hard drive with plenty of space, just for insurance.

I hope I’ve provided you all with an at least decent source of advice or perspective. Hopefully, with this information, we can all become more practical filmmakers and scholars.

Your resident film major,
Wyatt Beckson ‘20


How to Stay Busy as a Film Major During Quarantine

Written by Wyatt Beckson

During this time of social distancing and self-isolation, I’m sure one of the biggest questions you’re asking yourself during this social fiasco is “how do I stay busy?” Like you, I’ve asked myself that question plenty of times. However, through my own experience, I’ve devised a plan that, hopefully, at least one of you can use to your advantage. This is my list of six things you can do to stay busy during quarantine!

#1 Watch Netflix

Yes, I know this might seem pretty obvious as a film major, but hear me out!  There’s an insane amount of genuinely amazing films out on Netflix RIGHT NOW! If you’re looking for something funny, The Hangover is right up your alley! If you’re looking for something more serious, There Will Be Blood is the perfect gem for you. Want to relive the plight of high school? The Perks of Being a Wallflower is right there waiting for you. Is there a side of you that makes you feel like a mob boss? Goodfellas is here to make you question what the word “funny” really means. Do you have an itch that just won’t go away, and only a Spaghetti Western can relieve you of that irritation? The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is the itch cream to soothe your desires. There’s more you can explore on your own! Trust me, there are films you never thought you would have found! All you need is time (and you’ve got lots of it) in a time of social distancing!

#2 Tune into one of the Film Department’s weekly Film Fridays

I know I’ve mentioned Netflix earlier, but perhaps you’re more of a social filmgoer like myself. If that’s the case, I have a convenient solution! Every Friday at 9 pm, for the rest of the semester, I will be hosting a Netflix watch party, showing a different film each week! All you need to do to join is have Google Chrome as an internet browser, download the extension “Netflix Party”, and I’ll send you the link to the watch party!

#3 Write that script you never had time to produce

As I mentioned before, we have plenty of time to kill during the quarantine. Why not use it to your advantage? Now is the perfect time to write that script that you’ve been holding back on! Even if you use baby steps, using this time to accomplish that goal will give you something to do, and give you that burst of relief once you finish it.

#4 Make a short film

Listen, I know we don’t currently have the resources provided by the equipment room to check out, that grade-A equipment like we normally do. However, a good amount of us have a camera on our phones, enabling a lot of us to shoot something, even if it is in the comfort of our own space!

#5 Offer up your skills as a freelancer

While this might not be the most favorable choice by many, we certainly have to acknowledge that the employment market is suffering, and will continue to suffer as a result of the coronavirus. With this in mind, if you’re looking for some extra money, freelancing is certainly an opportunity for you to make some. Luckily, we live in the age of the internet. This means that a lot of things are happening over the internet! And they need videos! Take advantage of that opportunity and make some cash while you up your skills as a filmmaker!

#6 Brush up on your other creative outlets

At least in my own experience, I know a lot of filmmakers who have other artistic passions and desires. One of my best friends, Lukas, is also a singer/songwriter, and loves to draw on the side. Like him, I also draw during my spare time. This is where I’d like to encourage all of you to either find a new creative outlet, or brush up on an existing one, just for the sake of relieving anxiety and passing the time. Maybe like me, drawing is your thing. Maybe it’s something different, like graphic design, photography, poetry, music, painting, knitting, or something completely different! Now is definitely the time to find something creative that you deem is therapeutic to your wellbeing. There are plenty of scientific entities supporting this idea. If it helps me out, maybe it’ll help you out too!

Hopefully, there is at least one thing on this list that can help stay busy during the quarantine. Believe me, I’m well aware that this is not an easy time, and likely, it’s gonna be something we’ll have to endure for a while longer. As so many people have said before, as long as you can keep your mind and body running, we can march through this ordeal through the very end. Stay safe, stay busy, and as Dory says, “Just keep swimming”.


Your resident film major,

Wyatt Beckson ‘20
Film Production Major, Graphic Design Minor


Film Program extends support to Walker’s “Women with Vision” Series

Written by Jenny L. Hanson

March is Women’s History Month.  The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis is hosting some pretty awesome women and featuring their film, media, and artworks all month long.  After closing out February with an event series on acclaimed filmmaker Julia Reichert, March brings the work of an early queer film influence of mine, filmmaker Cheryl Dunye to the screen.  The Walker will also take a look back at the Women with Vision series, and continue the Indigenesis series focusing on indigenous film that opens with what reasons to be a fun new media adventure curated by Missy Whiteman.

A key component of this year’s programming is “Women with Vision: Then and Now.” The event series features the cinematic work of some of the women who participated in the Women With Vision showcase (also known in its early years as Women in the Director’s Chair).  It also celebrates the curatorial work of Walker Senior Curator of Moving Image Sheryl Mousley.  Minnesota’s own Film Fatales Melody Gilbert and Kelly Nathe, who curated many of the events in the series, will also be hosting a candid conversation with filmmakers about their journey.  I might also note that among the filmmakers is Augsburg instructor Jila Nikpay!

Computers encoding media
Hanson is utilizing the program’s media lab to encode media for Walker Event.

Curating the work of filmmakers who identify as female, who are persisting as directors, cinematographers, and storytellers and creating space for people to see the films is important work.  The film industry has notoriously discounted the work of women and persons of color.  Movements like #MeToo and #OscarsSoWhite have sought to bring about change.  Events like those at the Walker this month are part of what is needed if a systematic change is going to occur.  I know this first hand, as the Walker gave me one of my first film screenings as part of the Women in the Director’s Chair and the Jr. Home Girls Series many, many, years ago. It gave me hope as a young queer filmmaker that I could make a living creating films.

So, when we were asked to help transfer work for the event series, we were happy to offer our support.  This kind of equity is exactly the kind of thing our program embraces and seeks to live out.

Please show your support at these events, many of which are free. Visit: for more details.

Department Majors Collaborate on Music Video “Be Saved”

Written by Preston Peterson | Album Artwork provided by Kirby Gage

I had a chance to talk with Kirby Gage about a collaboration he did with other Augsburg students. The project “Be Saved” is an original song and music video by Kirby Gage featuring Zayguap. See what Gage and I talked about in my recounted interview.

Preston: What are your majors?

Gage: I am a New Media: Game Design & New Media: Promotional Communication double major, for the time being at least. My videographer Finn Elsmo is a Film Major. Isaiah (Zayguap) has taken this semester off, however, is pursuing a New Media: Promotional Communication major.

Preston: What Augsburg spaces or equipment were used to make the video?

Gage: We rented cameras from Augsburg a few times, for several different shoots. Thanks to Jenny Hanson, we were able to use the black box facility in the chapel on campus. In this room, there is an option for complete darkness and it allowed for interesting shots with different lighting.

Preston: What is “Be Saved” about?

Gage: I have a lot to talk about when it comes to the video. After I made this song, for my upcoming album Story Time I realized that I had something special to work with. The connection with Finn began when I was working with my partner Kim Lindgren. Together we run a clothing brand called Kold Heart Clothing. She suggested that Finn and I talk about making a music video together. The first time we met we did a shoot at Minnehaha Falls. It went super well and Finn and I knew we were going to have something cool here, we did some editing right away and sat on it for a while. We did this 4 more times before landing on a final edit. We then went to my home studio to record Isaiah’s section of the video. After a long process of editing and color correcting with Finn, the real challenge began. For this video, we wanted to try and do something unique. I decided to do hand-drawn animations and line edits throughout the entire video. Something I will do more of in the future. For the Animations, I would draw in my notebook whenever I had the chance, even in class sometimes. I then put those drawings into Photoshop and animated them frame by frame. I did the same thing in After Effects for the line edits going frame by frame and added the finalized edits there as well. The entire process of the video took a few hundred hours to complete. I had a lot of firsts here. I’m extremely happy with the way it turned out, and I’m super happy that people enjoy it! 

None of this would’ve been possible without Finn Elsmo, Isaiah Lindsay, Kim Lindgren or Ben Poole. Also, a special thanks to Jenny Hanson and the New Media Department let us use their equipment and space for recording.

Preston: Where can people find you and the people involved online?

Gage: I have a few links if people are interested. 

Spotify: Kirby Gage (Also on Apple Music, Sound Cloud, etc.)

Spotify: Zayguap

Instagram: Kold Heart Clothing

Instagram: Kirby Gage

Instagram: Finnr Sverre

Instagram: Zayguap

Instagram: Ben Jammin’

Welcoming James Curry

Film poster for "masterjam"
Image: “masterjam” – James Curry

Augsburg Communication, Film, and New Media department welcomes incoming adjunct instructor James Curry. He is an experienced producer, director, writer and editor with more than 25 years of involvement in the industry. This semester James is teaching Film Sight and Sound as well as Studio Production.

James Curry directed, produced, wrote, and edited the documentary Masterjam. In a press release, Masterjam is described as following “the fallout of a sibling’s suicide on a family, the accelerated deaths of the parents and the investigation into the root cause.”

When asked about his favorite part of teaching so far, Curry said “when student engagement and interest piques via discussion collectively and authentically and when individual responses shed new light on a personal perspective or an insight I’ve never encountered or imagined. Aha moments are always cool too when they resonate beyond one or two students.”

To see an excerpt from Masterjam and learn more, click the link below.

Another Festival for Samiera Abou-Nasr’s film “Of Our Youth”


Film characters talking in a restaurant [Still image from the film]
“OF OUR YOUTH” Directed by Samiera Abou-Nasr
Augsburg University film alum Samiera Abou-Nasr has a short film being featured in the Twin Cities Arab Film Festival. She was interviewed by Minnesota Daily, a local student-run media and newsgroup, to talk about filmmaking and her experiences.

The Twin Cities Arab Film Festival is happening September 26-29. You can see “Of Our Youth” at the festival being held at St. Anthony Main Theatre in Northeast Minneapolis. Her short film will play in a block of other local films on Saturday, September 28 at 4 p.m. For more info and ticket information visit the MSP Film Society.

Editor’s Note: Did you miss the festival? You can watch “Of Our Youth” online. Find it featured under Student Work. You can also here Samiera and JC talk about the film during a red carpet interview at the Twin Cities Film Festival.

TCFF to Support the Intercollegiate Film Festival

The Twin Cities Film Fest demonstrated an extension of their partnership with Augsburg’s Film and New Media programs Saturday evening with exciting news for festival winners.

“Best of Show” was granted an automatic spot in the festival’s short program happening in October.  Winners in several other categories were granted a free submission to the festival and an industry membership to the organization. The Twin Cities Film Fest is celebrating its 10th year supporting film and filmmakers in the Twin Cities.

Executive Director Jaitin Setia made the announcement to eager students, friends, and families to kick-off the screening. Also present, was Josh Dahlman, shorts programmer of the Twin Cities Film Fest, who served as a guest judge for this years Intercollegiate Festival.

For a complete list of the festival, winners check out our post “Intercollegiate Film Festival 2019 – Winners Announced“.


Intercollegiate Film Festival 2019 – Winners Announced!

Film Festival LogoDespite our technical difficulties, the Intercollegiate Film Festival delivered in a big way. This year’s festival received nearly 60 entries.  Seven colleges were represented in the festival.
Entrants were judged on technical, creative, and aesthetic elements.  David J. Buchanan and Josh Dahlman served as our guest judges.
Augsburg very own Lucia Davila served as our MC and a special guest from the Twin Cities Film Festival shared some exciting news with attendees (see our post TCFF to Support the Intercollegiate Film Festival). We are so proud to have the Twin Cities Festival as a partner and we look forward to celebrating their 10th Anniversary all year long, especially during the TCFF in the Fall.


Best of Show “#GAYBOY2019” by Noah Causey, University of MN

Best Narrative “Cycle” by Winston Heckt, Augsburg University

Best Documentary “On Writing” by Alya Ansari, Macalester College

Best Experimental “#GAYBOY2019” by Noah Causey, University of MN

Best Animation “The Silent Enemy” by Karina Kafka, Augsburg University

Best Screenplay “Fuck Public Restrooms” by Benjamin Kreibich, MCTC

Best Direction “Spies!” by Winston Heckt, Augsburg University

Best Sound “Amusement” by Joel Myers, Augsburg University

Best Cinematography “Call-in” by Ethan Vander Broek and Curtis Craven, MCAD

Best Editing “Call-in” by Ethan Vander Broek and Curtis Craven, MCAD

Responsible Filmmaking “It Was Just Love” by Anna Albitz, University of Minnesota

Audience Choice “Spirit of the Rubix” by Ezra Bebop, Augsburg University

The submission deadline for next year’s fest will be April 1st.  The festival will be held on Saturday, April 18th.  Visit FilmFreeway for more information.